Calling all Bufficorns, PegaBufficorns, MegaPegaBufficorns, Spork Marmots & BuffiGWEI!

welcome to sporkdao

sporkDao launch party!

Saturday June 26 is the SporkDAO Launch Party. Click the coin below to show that you've attended!


SporkDAO represents the final leg of the journey towards transitioning ETHDenver to a community owned ecosystem.
SporkDAO is a member-owned community. $SPORK holders direct the community's events, investments, and interests.

Spork rewards are Here

$SPORK is the SporkDAO Community Rewards token.

Holders may (in the future) receive a portion of the profits from ETHDenver, Bufficorn Ventures or the Colorado Jam Incubator.

the sporkdao prongs

Since 2018, ETHDenver has birthed dozens of Web3’s top projects.
SporkDAO will continue to hold ETHDenver annually and expand year-round support with Bufficorn Ventures and the ColoradoJam Incubator.
One hi yi yah!


The World’s first Community-Owned  #BUIDLathon
ethdenver dao
One hi yi yah!


Advancing  Colorado to the new frontier of Statehood
coloradojam dao
One hi yi yah!

Bufficorn Ventures

Resources, grants investments for post-#BUIDLathon projects
bufficorn ventures dao
One hi yi yah!


YOU! Contribute your unique creativity to a global ecosystem
community discord
© 2022-2025 SporkDAO

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